Building Systems
High-performance, disaster-resistant building construction.
Structural Insulating Panels (SIPS)
SIPS panels are used to construct exterior walls, roofs, ceilings and floors. They are ideal for residential, commercial or cold storage applications and available in a range of core thicknesses and densities. Wood and/or metal skins are used for durability and easy maintenance.
Exterior Insulating Finishing Systems (EIFS)
As the insulating base for synthetic stucco, dimensionally stable EPS reduces thermal movement and stresses in walls. EIFS eliminates “cold spots” on interior walls and decreases peak demands for heating and cooling. EIFS give commercial buildings high curb appeal, broad design options and color flexibility.
EPS Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs)
EPS forms filled with reinforced concrete provide superior R-value and sound-deadening qualities. ICFs also offer the strength to withstand severe weather conditions, such as hurricanes and tornadoes.