EPS News
Alternative Recycling Channels Drive EPS Packaging’s 30% Recycling Rate in North America
A new recycling survey independently conducted by Resource Recycling Systems (RRS) reports that more than 168 million pounds of expanded polystyrene (EPS) transport packaging were diverted from landfills in 2022. This includes over 61 million pounds of post-consumer EPS packaging, reflecting a 31% recycling rate in North America.
Read the full press release here.
EPS-IA Applauds Bipartisan Bill to Advance Plastics Recycling
EPS-IA supports The Accelerating a Circular Economy for Plastics and Recycling Innovation Act of 2024, a bipartisan bill aimed at modernizing recycling infrastructure in the U.S., increasing the use of recycled materials, and spearheading a more sustainable future for plastics.
Read the full press release here.
EPS Transport Packaging Now Recognized As Recyclable in United Nations Report
Following an update in preparation for INC-4, the United Nations Environment Programme's (UNEP) report on Plastic Pollution Science now recognizes EPS transport packaging as an at-scale recycled material. The Global EPS Sustainability Alliance (GESA) applauds UNEP for its commitment to addressing plastics pollution and consideration of treaty stakeholder feedback.
Read the full press release here.
Global EPS Sustainability Alliance to Participate in the UNEP INC-4 Meetings
Members of the Global EPS Sustainability Alliance (GESA) – including the EPS Industry Alliance – will attend next week’s United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) INC-4 session on the development of an international legally binding treaty on plastic pollution. The members will attend as accredited observers, holding consultative roles in the negotiations taking place in Ottawa, Canada.
EPS Industry Advances Sustainability with Recycled Content Resin
The EPS Industry has collectively invested over $185 million in technology to integrate recycled content from used EPS packaging into various applications, with 79 million pounds of capacity already operational and an additional 150 million pounds planned. These advancements, powered by chemistry innovations, are enabling the production of recycled content resin, which can be used in the manufacturing of new materials, fostering increased sustainability in many sectors.
Read further details in the full press release here.
EPS Industry Alliance Attends Global Plastics Summit 2023
The EPS Industry Alliance (EPS-IA) will attend the Global Plastics Summit 2023, taking place in Bangkok, Thailand. The Summit brings together policymakers, sustainability experts, environmental advocates, and industry leaders for vital discussions ahead of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) INC-3 session, as the UNEP considers an international legally binding treaty on reducing plastic pollution.
Read further details in the full press release here.
EPS Industry Alliance Applauds Biden-Harris Plans
The EPS Industry Alliance (EPS-IA) applauds the Biden-Harris administration’s recently announced $100 million investment in recycling infrastructure projects. Key industries that utilize EPS will benefit from the funds, with the investment coming at an opportune moment amidst EPS-IA’s efforts to create new recycling opportunities for the widely-used material.
Read further details in the full press release here.
Global EPS Packaging Recycling Map
Working with other associations, EPS-IA has created an interactive map that illustrates global EPS packaging recycling rates. Data was collected from multiple countries and regions to help provide a larger picture of EPS recycling.
See how EPS is being recycled in various global regions with this map.
Data for this map was collected through coordinated efforts from multiple associations and government organizations around the globe.
EPS-IA to Participate in the UNEP-INC2 Meetings
May 26, 2023
The Expanded Polystyrene Industry Alliance (EPS-IA) is honored to participate in the Second Session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution (UNEP-INC2) being held in Paris, France this coming week. As the Executive Director of EPS-IA for the past 30 years, I have witnessed the evolution of these conversations in various settings. I commend the United Nations’ leadership in convening the necessary parties to engage in a dialogue around challenging environmental issues that affect our communities worldwide.
We deeply value this opportunity to collaborate and engage with global stakeholders in identifying research-backed, fact-based, and attainable solutions. EPS-IA is dedicated to being a responsible citizen and to identifying responsible uses of expanded polystyrene materials. Our participation in the UNEP INC-2 meetings signifies our unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship, innovation, and continuous education within our industry. As industry representatives, we recognize the vital importance of improving and growing in accordance with global standards.
We look forward to actively contributing to the discussions, sharing knowledge, and collaborating with other participants to foster positive change and contribute to the goals of the United Nations Environment Programme.
Looking ahead, EPS-IA will continue to be a part of this dialogue and looks forward to participating at UNEP-INC-3 in Nairobi, Kenya with the shared goal of improving our environment.
Betsy Bowers, Executive Director
EPS Industry Alliance
Paper vs. Plastic – The Packaging Debate
Paper or plastic packaging? Adam Minter, author of Junkyard Planet, poses that question in a recent opinion piece for Bloomberg. In the piece, he discusses many of the challenges that are addressed when it comes to product packaging – material usage, sustainability, recyclability, and more.
Using information from recent studies and reports from sources such as McKinsey & Co., he provides a more neutral stance in the packaging debate. Minter also addresses perceptions of both types of packaging and lays out some suggestions for further transparency in the industry.
Read more at Bloomberg: https://bit.ly/3BU1QuK
NY Senator Jake Ashby Visits Shelter Enterprises
New York State Senator Jake Ashby visited the Shelter Enterprises facility in Cohoes in April 2023. While touring the facilities, he viewed the processes used to create American-made EPS, learning about polystyrene manufacturing and the EPS industry.
Senator Ashby’s visit is just one of many that have taken place over the past few years across America. Senators and Representatives in multiple states have improved their understanding of expanded polystyrene and the packaging industry by taking time out of their day to learn more about the material, the benefits and the challenges that the EPS industry faces today.
EPSilyte Wins Recycling Award
Congratulations to EPSilyte for winning the 2023 Excellence in EPS Recycling Award given out at the 2023 EPS EXPO! They received the award for their POLYSOURCE 225 Helmet after determining that the safety helmet market would be an excellent end-market for EPS recycling. During research, they were able to develop a solution that allowed for 50% recycled content in the helmet without sacrificing quality.
Additionally, they created a system to account for the properties of the post-consumer material while also allowing EPSilyte to offset the variability of the virgin material through a proprietary molecular weight engineering tool.
The system allowed EPSilyte to recycle over 1 million pounds of EPS in 2022.
Read more about EPSilyte’s recycling program on their blog.
About the EPS Industry Alliance
Betsy Bowers
Executive Director
Betsy Bowers serves as the Executive Director of the EPS Industry Alliance (EPS-IA), the leading North American trade association for the expanded polystyrene (EPS) industry. With a background as Director of Environmental Affairs for the Polystyrene Packaging Council, she has extensive experience in EPS life cycle analysis, toxicity evaluations, and recycling infrastructure development.
Ms. Bowers’ leadership has extended globally, representing EPS-IA in 33 countries, and collaborating with international corporations like Samsung, SONY, and Walmart. Her strategic approach has been pivotal in fostering collaboration among industry stakeholders, government agencies, and environmental advocates.
For all press inquiries: Press@epsindustry.org