Effective civil engineering solutions for a broad range of applications.
EPS geofoam is inherently multifunctional. Effective for use in a wide variety of civil engineering and commercial applications, it offers special advantages for construction on soft ground, slope stabilization and retaining walls. EPS geofoam is used in road, highway and airfield construction, railway track systems, beneath refrigerated storage buildings, sports arenas and storage tanks to prevent ground freezing and heaving, and in below-ground building segments to reduce seasonal heating and cooling requirements. EPS geofoam also offers advanced solutions to a range of problems, including protection from earthquake shock and noise and vibration dampening. As an engineered product, EPS geofoam enables builders to design for key geosynthetic functions and select the best combination of products to achieve project goals. The relevant specification for EPS geofoam is ASTM D6817, Standard Specification for Rigid Cellular Polystyrene Geofoam.
Bridge Abutments
There are several advantages to using EPS geofoam to construct approach fills for bridge abutments. Because of its high compressive resistance, EPS geofoam can safely support highway loading without overstressing the underlying soils. This usually results in less differential movement at the bridge/approach fill interface, which reduces the construction cost of the approach slab and its long-term maintenance.
Road Construction Over Poor Soils
EPS geofoam can be used to replace compressible soils or in place of heavy fill materials to prevent unacceptable loading on underlying soils and adjacent structures. The high compressive resistance of EPS geofoam makes it able to adequately support traffic loadings associated with secondary and interstate highways.
Stadium Seating
EPS geofoam can be used to form tiered seating in locations such as auditoriums, movie theaters, gymnasiums and churches. The high compressive resistance and light weight of EPS geofoam make it well suited to both new construction and renovation projects.